Saturday, August 21, 2010


I'm in South Africa now. I feel like a European backpacker at the moment, we are staying in a pretty nice youth hostel close to the airport. I have met every one in my group and they are all really nice, but there are 24 (23 girls and one guy, and the guy might be gay) new faces and names to learn so I am a bit overwhelmed. I changed some money over when I got to the airport $65 is about 390 rand, which will last me supposedly about a week for lunches, snacks, converters and other supplies.

Our first African meal was ok… it was a meat gravy casserole/ potatoes and salad. Always a vegi, meat, and starch

My trip over here seemed surprisingly fast. I thought I would dread the plane, but it was a nice to have time just to relax and catch up down time when I was not required to run around. I was seat buddies with this lovely South African woman, who adopted me like a grandchild. Mom would have loved her. She was a soft spoken nurse who has lived and gown up in South Africa all her life. We talked for hours about community health, family, cultural traditions, she even attempted to teach me a little zulu.

Zulu lesson 1: Greetings are VERY important. Every convo starts with asking how the person is doing before anything else

Sawubona (good evening/ hello/ I see you) then you reply with…

Unjani (how are you)

Yebo (yes)

Ngikhona, wena unjani? (I’m fine how you are?)

Body having trouble with jet lag off to bed!

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