Monday, September 6, 2010

coffee and ISP

There is a serious lack of coffee in this country. I found one place in the mall, where I was able to purchase small 8oz cup of filtered coffee, and until then I have been surviving on instant coffee. With large quantities of milk and sugar you can disguise and bare the taste. South Africa does drink a lot of tea, it is a social event, I have tea in the morning and every night with my mama.

I have been researching an independent learning project topic and I am starting to become excited! In South Africa there is a major lack of qualified comprehensive health care providers, 70% of the black population visit some sort of Traditional Healer (where there is around a 500:1 radio), so there has been laws created, (in the national health reform even) to try and start a collaborative effort to use traditional healers to subsididse the lack of health care providers. Efforts have been made to teach TH about the spread of HIV/ and other communicative disease and preventative measures and when to refer patients to biomedical health care providers. So I am looking into making arrangements to live in Impendle for my ISP a rural community in the province of Kwazulu-Natal where I will have access to a few traditional healers as well as a community health clinic to do shadow, assist and interview. I would like to participate in a practicum based and social analysis of the reform laws dealing with the cooperation efforts between the two different methods of health care. I’m so excited to start working on this project. Sorry this was a vomit of words on the page but I hope it makes sense.

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